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The Liberation Game - Anderran language sample

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Writer, researcher
LiberationGame - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article

What is this?

This is a document I wrote for a game I nicknamed the “Liberation Game”, which I discuss in the article below:

Click here to read "The Liberation Game - Exploring a game that never was"

The document was originally titled “Anderran Language” and presents a number of words I came up with for the language of the game’s setting, the Pacific country of Sal Anderro, the words are split into various categories from gramatical ones such as “connectives” to specific themes related to gameplay, for example military ranks or the names of weapons.

I’ve kept the document exactly the same as it was when I originally wrote it except for some small formatting improvements.

This document was originally created on the 12th of August 2019 and last edited on the 8th of June 2022, it was published on this site on the 3rd of April 2024.


Sal Anderran Language

Mainly created by mixing Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Esperanto, along with occasionally French, German, and some words I just made up or changed myself

word endings

tion = cion


Uste = You

Miste = Me

Ile/Iles/Iste = He/She/It

Nostes = We/Us

Eles = They

Possessive Pronouns

Uyos = Yours

Mi = My

Sus/Suyos/Suys = His/Hers/Its

Noyos = Ours

Sules = Theirs


Familie = Family

Yaya = Caretaker/Guardian

Generacion = Generation

Padre = Father

Madre = Mother

Pedere = Brother

Medere = Sister


Nigro = Black

Blanco = White

Grico = Grey

Roga = Red

Azul = Blue

Almarelo = Yellow


Compiledo = Compiled

Escrito = Written

por = by

para = for

estas = is

desde = from

a = to

con = with


Laboras = Working (Labor = Work Laborero = Worker)

Oficejo = Office


si = yes

ne = no

neda = nothing

Numbers (0-10)

Cero = Zero

Une = One

Dues = Two

Tres = Three

Quatros = Four

Cincos = Five

Seis = Six

Setes = Seven

Ochos = Eight

Noves = Nine

Uneze = Ten

Numbers (11-20)

Unce = Eleven

Duce = Twelve

Trece = Thirteen

Qatorce = Fourteen

Quince = Fifteen

Uneze-seis = Sixteen

Uneze-setes = Seventeen

Uneze-ochos = Eighteen

Uneze-noves = Nineteen

Dueze = Twenty

Numbers (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)

Treze = Thirty

Quatreze = Forty

Cinceze = Fifty

Seieze = Sixty

Seteze = Seventy

Ocheze = Eighty

Noveze = Ninety

Numbers (hundreds)

Centes = One Hundred

Ducent = Two Hundred

Trecent = Three Hundred

Qatorcentes = Four Hundred

Cincocentes = Five Hundred

Seiscentes = Six Hundred

Setecentes = Seven Hundred

Ochocentes = Eight Hundred

Novecentes = Nine Hundred

Numbers (thousands up to 10 thousand)

Mille = Thousand

Duemille = Two Thousand

Tremille = Three Thousand

Qatormille = Four Thousand

Cincomille = Five Thousand

Seismille = Six Thousand

Setemille = Seven Thousand

Ochomilles = Eight Thousand

Novemilles = Nine Thousand

Unezmilles = Ten Thousand

Numbers (millions up to 10 million)

Millone = Million (million numbers are the same as thousand numbers, just replace the mille/milles on the end with millone/millones)

Billone = Billion (billion numbers are the same as million numbers, just replace the millone/millones on the end with billone/billones)


todes = all

outro = other/else

Times (Days and Weeks)

Tago = Day

Lodiau = Today

Mardiau = Tomorrow

Lundes = Monday

Mardes = Tuesday

Mercodes = Wednesday

Juves = Thursday

Vendes = Friday

Sabato = Saturday

Dimanto = Sunday

Semane = Week (Semanefino = Weekend)

Times (Months)

Januero = January

Febero = February

Marci = March

Abrile = April

Mayo = May

Mino = June

Julio = July

Agoste = August

Septembre = September

Octubre = October

Novembre = November

Decembre = December

Times (Misc)

Unes = Once

Nova = New

Siempre = Forever

Historia = History


Precidence = President (Il Precidence = The President, Precidencel = Presidential)

Lider = Leader

Partido = Party

Republice = Republic (Republice Confederate = Confederative Republic)

Nacionale = National (Enternacionale = International)

Govierno = Government

Globale = Global

Liberad = Liberty/Freedom

Democracie = Democracy

Dictadure = Dictatorship

Sendade Legislativo = Legislative Senate

Consejo Vigilancia = Oversight Committee

Departmente = Department

Stade = State

Provincia = Province

Comune = Commune/Municipality

Cintante = City

Araldo = Herald


Comuniste = Communist

Capitaliste = Capitalist

Nacionaliste = Nationalist


Televise = Television

Canal = Channel


Anteme = Anthem

Hino = Hymn/Song


di = of

il = the

dil = of the

o = or

Emergency Services

Servico Policie Nacionale = National Police Service

Servico Proteccion Nacionale = National Protection Service (Secret Police)

Servico Paramedico Nacionale = National Paramedical Service

Servico Bomberes Nacionale = National Firefighter Service

Police, Government Fighters

Grupo Patrolo = Patrol Group (Equivalent to Fireteam, 2-4 members)

Grupo di Comande = Group of Command (Equivalent to Squad, 5-14 members)

Cooperacion = Co-operation (Equivalent to Platoon, 15-45 members)

Centra di Comande = Center of Command (Equivalent to Company, 80-150 members)

Police, Ranks

Officers Generalissimo Dil Policie Nacionale = Generalissimo of the National Police

Diretore Supremo = Supreme Director

Diretore Mayor = Senior Director

Diretore Minor = Junior Director

Policie General Mayor = Senior Police General

Policie General Minor = Junior Police General

Superintendentes Mayor = Senior Superintendent

Superintendentes Minor = Junior Superintendent

Comissario = Commissioner

Contesento = Constable

Oficial Designado Policie = Designate Police Officer

Aluno Policie = Police Student

Enlisted Mastro Policie Sargente Mayor = Senior Master Police Sergeant

Mastro Policie Sargente Minor = Junior Master Police Sergeant

Policie Sargente Mayor = Senior Police Sergeant

Policie Sargente Minor = Junior Police Sergeant

Inspectore Mayor = Senior Inspector

Inspectore Minor = Junior Inspector

Patrolisto Mayor = Senior Patrolman

Patrolisto Minor = Junior Patrolman

Aluno Policie Patrolisto = Student Police Patrolman


Justicia = Justice

War/Military, Fight Terms

Guerre = War (Guerre dil Guerrilhe = Guerilla War, Guerre Civil = Civil War)

Combete = Combat (Lutader = Fighter, Combetente = Combatant)

War/Military, Fighter Quantities

Grupo Minor = Small Group (Equivalent to Fireteam, 2-4 members)

Grupo Mayor = Large Group (Equivalent to Squad, 5-14 members)

Unidad = Unit (Equivalent to Platoon, 15-45 members)

Compenia = Company (Equivalent to Company, 80-150 members)

Bataliono = Battalion (Equivalent to Battalion, 300-800 members)

Regimento = Regiment (Equivalent to Regiment, 1000-5500 members)

War/Military, Ranks

Officers (Reserve Units except the Generalissimo use the word “Reserves” before their rank) Generalissimo Dil Paramilitarez/Militarez Nacionale = Generalissimo of the National Paramilitary/Military

Comandante di Nota Mayor = Commander of Major Note

Generalissimo dil Reserves Dil Militarez/Forces Tierra/Aero/Ocene/Guarde Nacionale/MET = Highest grade General of the Military Reserves/Ground/Air/Ocean Forces/National Guard/MET

Comandante Supremo/Almirante dil Flota/Generalissimo dil MET Terrorisme/Motin = Supreme Commander/Admiral of the Fleet/ Highest grade General of the Terrorism/Riot MET

Comandante/Almirante Mayor = Senior Commander/Admiral

Comandante/Almirante Minor = Junior Commander/Admiral

Coronel = Colonel

Mayor = Major

Capitano = Captain

Tenente = Lieutenant

Oficial Designado = Officer Designate

Oficial Aluno = Student Officer

Enlisted (Reserve Units except the Generalissimo use the word “Reserves” before their rank) Mastro Sargente Mayor = Senior Master Sergeant

Mastro Sargente Minor = Junior Master Sergeant

Sargente Mayor = Senior Sergeant

Sargente Minor = Junior Sergeant

Cabo Mayor = Senior Corporal

Cabo Minor = Junior Corporal

Privado Mayor/Aviador/Marinero = Senior Private/Airman/Seaman

Privado Minor/Aviador/Marinero = Junior Private/Airman/Seaman

Soldado Aluno/Aviador/Marinero = Student Soldier/Airman/Seaman

War/Military, Rebel Fighters

Guerrile = Guerilla (Lutader Guerrile = Guerilla Fighter)

Rebelde = Rebel (Lutader Rebelde = Rebel Fighter)

Insurgente = Insurgent

Terroriste = Terrorist (Terrorisme = Terrorism)

Antiterrorisme = Anti Terrorism

Inimige = Enemy

Motin = Riot/Munity

Proteccion = Protection

Vitorie = Victory

Derrete = Defeat

Librader = Liberator (Liberacion = Liberation)

Revolucion = Revolution (Revolucionario = Revolutionary)

War/Military, Territories

Guarnicien = Garrison

Acampamente = Camp

Baze = Base

Muorte = Death

Esalte = Assault

Etace = Attack


Pistola = Gun

Fucile = Rifle

Granada = Grenade

Bomba = Bomb

Artilharia = Artillery

Cohete = Rocket

Transport, Land

Auto = Car

Autobus = Bus

Camien = Truck

Autorodovia = Highway

Trene = Train

Estezion = Station

Ferrocavie = Railway

Transport, Sea

Boce = Boat

Perto = Port

Perto Maritemo = Seaport

Transport, Air

Helicoptere = Helicopter

Heliperto = Helipad

Aerion = Plane

Aeroperto = Airport

Vista = View

Geography, Levels

Acime = Above

Abaje = Below

Geography, Air

Aero = Air

Ciel = Sky (Cielus = Skies)

Geography, Land

Isola = Island

Ponto = Point

Picco = Peak

Paramos = Badlands

Caverne = Cave/Cavern

Geography, Sea

Mar = Sea

Oceno = Ocean

Lego = Lake

Rio = River

Geography, Directions

Norte = North

Sule = South

Leste = East

Oeste = West


Isolera = Islander

Persones = People

Campagero = Comrade/Companion

Portello = Gate

Vive = Long Live


Edit 1 - 12/04/24 - Replaced the direct link to the main Liberation Game article in the “What is this?” section with a button in order to fix a bug

Edit 2 - 03/05/24 - Corrected a typo in the disclaimer, replaced button text - was originally “Read it here!”, is now “Click here to read “The Liberation Game - Exploring a game that never was”

LiberationGame - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article


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